I've always found one of the greatest inspirations for writing is actually very simple...just live your life. Go do things. Learn new things. Have amazing experiences. Make your life an adventure.
So, in my lifelong effort to have wonderful and inspiring experiences, I went to a Renaissance Fair. If you've never been...go...go now. It is nothing short of awesome; expensive and cheesy, sure, but let's put that aside. Just go, munch on an $8 turkey leg, see a joust (complete with a whip of fire), and breathe in the essence of the very Renaissance era, fake as it may be.
You could purchase a weird looking furby shoulder puppet. Katy named her's Neiman, by the way...or maybe it was Bilbo. I was too distracted by bosoms popping out of corsets and men wearing tight tights to pay attention.
Or you could enjoy some phallic shaped foods...as Sara and Katy did, perhaps a bit too much.
You can catch a joust...an absolute must! Our knight was the first to go, but we didn't let his demise or pathetic fighting kills dim our fervor. Cheer and cheer loudly...demand blood!
And last but not least, leave all your inhibitions at home and have a blast. Buy a corset (not for the budget conscious, I gasped and slowly backed out of the store upon seeing the prices), buy yourself a sword (again gasp worthy) or buy yourself mug for the all important ale...that's what I ended up getting for a sort of "reasonable' price, but for some reason it makes everything taste better. Dance to the Celtic drum music. Laugh at inappropriate jokes. Taste the King's nuts...yes they're an actual thing. Have an adventure. Have an amazing experience.
~Paige out
Wow, it looks like you had heaps of fun at the Renaissance fair--yay you! :)